What is it?
Acupuncture is an integral component of a medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine. This practice dates back thousands of years to ancient China, and is still used successfully all over the world. It involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into carefully selected acupuncture points that are chosen based on patient symptomatology. These points are located on almost every part of the body, including the trunk, limbs, head and face. Our treatments are customized to each individual patient in order to stimulate healing and address the root cause of disease. Acupuncture can treat an immense variety of diseases and symptoms that affect the physical body, as well as the mind. In addition to treating active disease states, acupuncture has been shown to effectively boost immunity and prevent disease.
How does it work?
The insertion of acupuncture needles works by signaling the body to release endorphins, promote oxygen and blood flow throughout the body, and stimulate the immune system. In Chinese Medicine the body consists of many pathways that contain our life force energy, or “Qi”. When Qi is not flowing properly or is deficient, this can cause pain and disease. The acupuncture needles can regulate the flow of Qi throughout the body in order to maintain or produce homeostasis.
Does it hurt?
In general, the sensation of having an acupuncture needle inserted is painless or very minute. The patient may feel a slightly prick, similar to the feeling of being flicked. Other common sensations include itching, a dull/achy feeling around the needle, and slight numbness. All of these sensations are positive signs that the body is responding well to treatment.
What conditions does it treat?
Upper Body: Back Pain, Neck Pain, Wrist Pain, Elbow Pain, Shoulder Pain, Hand Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow
Lower Body: Hip Pain, Sciatica, Knee Pain, Ankle Pain, Foot Pain
General: Pain due to Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteoarthritis, Sprains Tendonitis, Bursitis, Muscle Spasms
Neurological and Musculo-Skeletal Disorders:
Headache & Migraine
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Bell's Palsy
Facial Paralysis
Post-stroke Pareses
Peripheral Neuropathies
Meniere’s disease, Vertigo & Dizziness
Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis)
Intercostal Neuralgia
Cervicobrachial Syndrome
Respiratory System
Common Cold, Flu
Sore Throat
Disorders of the Eye
Central Retinitis
Macular Degeneration
Disorders of the Mouth
Cold Sores, Mouth Ulcers
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Crohn's Disease
Esophageal spasm
Spastic Colon
Abdominal Bloating
Abdominal Pain
Food Allergies
Chronic Diarrhea
Paralytic Ileus
High Blood Pressure, Low Blood Pressure
Angina Pectoris
Gynecological & Genitourinary
Sexual Dysfunction
Kidney & Bladder Stones
Interstitial Cystitis
Fibroids and Cysts
Heavy, Irregular, or Painful Menstruation
Induction of Labor, Breech Position
Pregnancy Complications
Morning Sickness
Immune Disorders
Chronic Fatigue
Multiple Sclerosis
High Blood Pressure, Low Blood Pressure
Adverse Reactions to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, Induced and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women
Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug dependence
Dermatological Disorders
Weight Control
Is it safe?
Acupuncture is very safe when performed by a licensed acupuncturist. The beauty of acupuncture is that there are many benefits and very few possible side effects. The most commonly seen adverse effects are minor bruising and soreness around the insertion site, and bleeding.
What is it?
Cupping, also known as myofascial decompression, is an essential technique used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The benefits of cupping include pain relief, increased blood circulation, decreased inflammation, detoxification, decreased muscle tension, stress/anxiety relief, and the treatment of respiratory symptoms
How does it work?
Cupping in our practice involves the placement of glass cups onto the skin of the back, chest, abdomen, legs and arms. The cups create a suction which pulls stagnant blood to the surface of the skin and allows fresh blood to enter and clean the area, as well as breaks up fascial adhesions. This increases the space between the muscle, fascia and bone, which can increase the range of motion in aching muscles and joints. When healthy circulation is restored this allows for proper flow of oxygen, living cells and nutrients for faster muscle recovery.
What are those dark marks? Does it hurt?
The bruises left after a cupping session are due to stagnant blood being drawn up to the surface of the skin. These bruises can be dark but are usually painless and typically last between 3-10 days.
At Zuni we now offer love-cupping, cups that leave heart shaped bruises instead of circular bruises
What conditions does it treat?
Pain, Arthritis
Anxiety, Stress, Depression
Acute and Chronic Respiratory Diseases
Digestive Disorders
Skin Conditions: Herpes Zoster, Acne, Hives
High Cholesterol
Immune Disorders
Is it safe?
Cupping is safe and has few adverse side effects if performed by a trained professional such as an acupuncturist.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
What is it?
Chinese Herbal Medicine is a mainly plant based medicine that works in conjunction with acupuncture to treat illness and promote health. Clinical studies have shown that chinese herbs have the ability to increase the effectiveness of modern drugs, reduce drug side effects and even replace drugs completely in certain instances.
How does it work?
Many times, manufacturers of pharmaceutical drugs make their drugs by extracting one active ingredient from a plant. Chinese Herbal Medicine instead uses the delicate balance of the whole plant, or mixtures of plants and plant parts to treat patients. There are hundreds of individual herbs used within Chinese Herbal Medicine, each with a different medicinal function. At Zuni, we have the ability to create custom herbal formulas for our patients based on specific symptoms. We believe that there is not one "cure all" formula or herb out there, and by customizing our formulas to each patient, we have been able to achieve outstanding results.
What We Do
At Zuni Acupuncture, we believe that food is medicine and what we eat can greatly affect our health both physically and emotionally. As part of your initial intake, we will take a comprehensive look at your current diet along with the rest of your health history. We also offer lab testing to determine food allergies/sensitivities, and nutritional imbalances. Based on our findings, we will discuss personalized diet recommendations. Our belief is that there isn't one type of nutrition that fits everyone. For example some people do well as vegetarians, while others do better eating meat. Dietary changes are often essential to furthering the healing process.
What kind of recommendations will I receive?
-Foods to add into your diet
-Foods to eliminate or limit from your diet
-Recipes and meal plans
-How to read labels
-The best oils for cooking and eating
-Where to obtain the most nutrient dense foods
Body Work
What We Do
Tui Na-Therapeutic Massage
Gua Sha
What is Tui Na?
As licensed acupuncturists, we are trained in a chinese massage technique called Tui Na. Tui Na translates into English as "push and squeeze" and is both invigorating and relaxing. Unlike traditional massage, Tui Na goes beyond the muscles and bone layers to work with the body on a deeper energetic level.
What is Gua Sha?
Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese Medicine technique used to promote healing underneath the skin. It is often used over areas of pain and tension, but can also be used to prevent and treat illnesses such as the common cold and flu. It involves lightly scraping a flat object over the skin and muscles. This can release deep muscle tension, increase circulation, cause vasodilation, and stimulate the production of specific antioxidants involved in the inflammatory response. Some common stones used for Gua Sha are jade, rose quartz, and amethyst, but in China a Chinese soup spoon is often used.
What is it?
Moxibustion or "moxa", is a technique that involves burning the herb Mugwort over specific acupuncture points and meridians. This herb has been used for thousands of years to help boost immunity, relieve pain and inflammation, and increase energy.
What can it treat?
-Pain and injury
-Digestive problems
-Gynecological conditions
-Protection against cold and flu strains